Lesson Learned: 2022 Earthquake Mitigation in Baguio (Opinion)

Baguio City Architecture Best Practices on Earthquake Mitigation and Design in the Philippines Barely two weeks ago, I have taken a trip to Baguio City to perform an ocular site investigation on a new design contract awarded to the firm. It was my first time visiting the city ever since I was a toddler and […]
Champion your MVD: Minimum Viable Design
With today’s rising construction costs, how do you operate with the lowest possible cost, at the earliest possible time? Second-Guessing Construction Costs Can Do More Harm Than Good Aspiring entrepreneurs looking to build businesses often overlook infrastructure costs in the picture. Oftentimes, fit-out costs or construction costs are typically second-guessed. Ultimately, doing so leads to […]
What is an As-Built Plan and why do I need one?

What is an As-Built Plan? In the architecture and construction industry, “As–Built” refers to a drawing that shows the EXISTING dimensions and conditions of a building, space, or area. In the case of renovation projects, the “As-Built” plan is needed prior to creating the renovation plans. What is the difference between an As-Built Plan and […]
L.Ateliér Challenges Conventional Architectural Services

L.Ateliér Architects PARANAQUE CITY, METRO MANILA, February 8, 2022. A young and dynamic architectural firm based in Metro Manila, L.Ateliér Architects has made it their mission to change the way architectural services are experienced and delivered. Communication Gap Between Architects and Clients Through years of experience, they have identified roadblocks in the architectural design process […]
ARCHI-Typing: Ideologies

In an effort to fully understand what excites you in terms of architecture and design, We have created a profiling system. All leading to the hopes of finding what excites you. In tagalog: “Gusto naming hulihin ang kilti niniyo”. You can achieve these through Archi-Typing Ideologies. In the process we’ve concluded that profiling in terms of […]
ARCHI-Typing: 10 Character Archi-Types

Archi-Types consists of ten main character archi-types. These describe the majority of architectural styles from antiquity to present. The Classical Character Archi-Type The Classical Character Archi-Type describes style typologies that express design elements reminiscent of Greek and Roman Architecture. Majestic and grand, the Classical Archi-Type features extensive use of marble and concrete, building materials that […]
Architectural Design Trends 2022

Architectural Design Trends have long been associated with a dominant generation. These days, Generation Z calls the shots. Generation Z is defined as people born during the internet age of the mid-1990s to early 2000s. As adults, they are now embracing “adulting” by moving out of their parents’ homes. They are playful at times, quirky […]
ARTEHAUS: Filipino Tropical Postmodernism

A true example of avant-garde architecture in the Philippines. Artehaus exudes dynamism in tropical architecture. The form of the house is an architectural sculpture, boasting a majestic and eccentric shape. All defined by clean-cut horizontal, diagonal, and vertical lines with a ray of light peeking from its heart. Lighting is everything they say, and in […]
Home Design Considerations for your Next Project

What are the considerations for your next home construction project? We are often at a loss for ideas before massive projects like building or renovating your home. Most people usually focus on aesthetics that tend to forget about the functionality of a space. A lot of excitement comes with building and planning your home for […]
Construction Costs Per Square Meter in the Philippines 2022

How Much Do You Need to Build a House in the Philippines? How much are the prevailing construction costs per square meter in the Philippines? We’ve created a calculator to help you know how much it is you really need in terms of construction budget. To explain further, scroll down and read on to know […]